Rockstar baru saja merilis DLC terbaru untuk GTA V pada 17 Juni 2014 yang berjudul "I'm Not A Hipster". DLC ini adalah update konten GTA V yang ke 6 setelah sebelumnya R* merilis DLC "Beach Bum", "Capture Mode", "Compatibility Pack #1", "Bussiness", & "High Life".

Sekedar informasi, R* sejauh ini tidak pernah mengenakan biaya agar bisa mendapatkan semua DLC GTA V. Jadi Anda dapat download langsung DLC ini via PSN (PS3) atau Xbox Live (Xbox 360) secara free. Bagi pemilik Xbox 360 JTAG/RGH bisa download via link ini.
Berikut adalah beberapa tambahan konten baru dari DLC ini yang bisa dimainkan secara offline maupun online =
- Six vehicles have been added to southernsanandreassuperautos.com: Benefactor Glendale, Benefactor Panto, Declasse Rhapsody, Lampadati Pigalle, Vapid Blade, Vulcar Warrener
- Ten existing GTA5 vehicles have been added to southernsanandreassuperautos.com. These include single player characters’ vehicles: Albany Primo, BF Surfer, Bravado Buffalo, Bravado Buffalo S (Franklin’s), Bravado Youga, Cheval Picador, Dundreary Regina, Karin Rebel (clean version), Nagasaki Hot Rod Blazer (Trevor’s), Obey Tailgater (Michael’s)
- One new Premium vehicle has been added to warstock-cache-and-carry.com. This is a Rank-locked vehicle that unlocks at Rank 100: Benefactor Dubsta 6x6.
- Two new paint colors have been added to the Mod Shop in the ‘Metals’ category. They unlock at Rank 100: Pure Gold, Brushed Gold.
- A Pure Black window tint has been added to Mod Shops.
- Brown and pink tire smoke colors have been added.
- Two weapons have been added to Ammu-Nation: Antique Cavalry Dagger & Vintage Pistol.
- Four new jazzy vehicle horns have been added to the Mod Shops, including one which loops and speeds up / slows down as you drive.
- Over 170 new clothing items, including new outfits, have been added to clothes stores for both Male and Female characters in GTA Online.
- Four new hairstyles have been added to the barber shop.
- 10 new beards have been added for Male characters.
- Eight new animal-inspired masks (four styles with two color variants of each) for both male and female characters have been added to Vespucci Movie Masks.
- 49 new tattoos have been added to the Tattoo Parlors for both Male and Female characters.
- Eight new individual player celebrations have been added. Seven of these can also be used as actions in-game via the Interaction Menu.
- Four new paired Celebration animations have been added.
Agar bisa memainkan DLC terbaru ini, sebelumnya harus install dulu title update terbaru GTA V. Silahkan klik link title update berikut yang sesuai dengan GTA V milik anda =
GTA V Xbox 360
Title Update 15 Media ID 79E465C5
Title Update 1.06Title Update 1.07
Title Update 1.08
Title Update 1.09
Title Update 1.10
Title Update 1.11
Title Update 1.12
Title Update 1.13
Title Update 1.14
gan... untuk DLC gta V, apakah semua DLC yg ada bisa di aplikasikan pada xbox rgh/jtag offline...? atau hanya DLC "i'm not a hipster" ini aja...?
BalasHapusbisa dong..dari hasil uji coba ane sebagian besar fitur/items tambahan di tiap DLC bisa dipake buat maen offline, tp sebagian lagi cuma bisa dipake online
HapusGan ps3 saya pke multiman cara installnya gimana gan?
BalasHapusGan ps 3 ane pakek multi man. .. cara nya gimana?
BalasHapuscara instal na gimana om?? yg buat xbox??
BalasHapuscara install update & DLC di Xbox 360 bisa agan liat di http://www.kaskus.co.id/show_post/5220ae7fffca17b94700000f/12/tutorial-xbox-360-jtag--rgh
Hapusgan ane udah versi 1.11 kalo ane lanjutin download/instal versi 1.12 bisa ga gan?
BalasHapusbisa dong
HapusGan ane install dari multiman,, kx muncul tulisan
BalasHapusThere is no need to install this version
itu berarti sudah terinstall versi sebelumnya yg sama
HapusPeemisi Gan.. Ane minta tolong Kalo ada update offline terbaru Seperti ver 1.15 ver 1.16 ver 1.17 dll, tolong di tambahkan.. Blog ini lengkap.. Jadi ane sering sering mampir ke blog ini buat liat yang baru terimakasih Gan..
BalasHapusmau lihat update terbaru sudah ada kok infonya di post DLC GTA V yg terakhir :-), silahkan search aja di blog ini
Hapusgan punyaku kan udah aku instal semua PKGnya kok ps3 sayang suruh masukin kaset GTA 5 ori
BalasHapusbukan harus pake game ori, tp kalau sudah diupdate, rip game harus pake eboot.bin & param.sfo ori
Hapusgimana cara download pake multiman gan.... bingung nih ?????
BalasHapuswaduu gan, cuma gitu doank kok bingung :-s..di MM kan udah ada opsinya, & operasionalnya gampang bgt = sorot game GTA V, tekan kotak, pilih update
Hapusbro udah saya download dari 1.06 sampai 1.14 buat ps3.setelah itu diapain lagi?mohon responnya ya bro:)