Setelah sekian lama ditunggu, akhirnya tim Xebuild bersama dengan c0z merilis Xebuild 1.13 & Dashlaunch 3.13 yang kompatibel dengan dashboard 2.0.16767. Bersamaan dengan itu Swizzy pun merilis Xebuild GUI terbaru v2.094 untuk keperluan upgrade dashboard di Xbox 360 JTAG/RGH.
Changelog Xebuild 1.13
- add 16756, 16767
- add 13182 based corona configuration to retail ini
- fix a bug that froze file times to a default value for flash files
- update kernel patch for XeKeysConsoleSignatureVerification, content signed with a different keyvault (remote signed) will now reply as locally signed (v16747+)
- added additional trinity/winchester targets in case they are needed
- added noSShdd addon patch for 16767+, with this patch enabled retail drives with a valid security sector will be rejected
- experimental patch set for corona hardware issues that require 13182 (16767+) (thanks 15432 and DrSchottky!)
- reworked how update mode works on glitch images, it now retains the bootloaders from the console instead of rebuilding from files (making it simpler to update the new corona patches in the future)
- added new addon patch 'noSShdd', disables hard drives with a valid security sector (thanks tuxuser!)
Changelog Xebuild GUI 2.094
– Updated: Now using xeBuild 1.13
– Updated: Now using Dashlaunch 3.13
– Updated: Now building 2.0.16767.0
Changelog Dashlaunch 3.13
– add 16756, 16767
– add UTF8 to the ftp FEAT list, improves non-ascii name support
– can now place up to 10 title IDs in ini for autofake to enable fakelive at title startup
– fix dvd game/video loading from official dash tile
– added autocont option (yeah it’s not a network option really, but relies on autofake so its right near it)
– changed how contpatch works, added/separated into xblapatch and licpatch (the Lets Try Find The Problem Blindly edition)
– made number value entry in installer a little more consistent
– added a check to launch.xex for lhelper.xex in flash to prevent E71 error screen
– updated built in update server to V3
Link Download
Xebuild 1.13 *
Xebuild GUI 2.094
Dashlaunch 3.13
*Cara menggunakan Xebuild untuk keperluan upgrade dashboard Xbox 360 JTAG/RGH bisa dilihat pada post berikut. Resikonya Anda tanggung sendiri.
untuk avatar kososng dan kinect kok ga bisa ya?
BalasHapusmohon bimbingannya
Silahkan baca yang teliti link berikut = http://www.kaskus.co.id/show_post/5220ae7fffca17b94700000f/12/tutorial-xbox-360-jtag--rgh