The Lost Lords adalah judul DLC episode ke 2 dari game bergenre Episodic Adventure berjudul Game of Thrones karya Telltale Games yang dirilis ke  XBLA & PSN pada 4/2/2015. Merupakan lanjutan dari Episode 1: Iron From Ice yang lebih dulu dirilis pada 3/12/2014.

A cart of the bodies from the massacre at the Twins is brought to Ironrath, amongst them is the body of Lord Gregor - and the weak but injured Rodrik. Gared arrives at the wall, where he begins his training such that he may become a ranger of the Night's Watch, hence fufilling due his duty to House Forrester by protecting the North Grove. Intrigue is rife in the King's Landing, with Mira still searching for support from the Crown - and Mira faces the wroth of a yet unknown conspirator. In distant Yunkai, three days after the Daenarys' liberation, Asher is visited by Malcolm Branfield, sent by his mother to bring him back to Ironrath.

Agar bisa memainkan DLC ini, Anda harus lebih dulu install game Game Of Thrones + Episode 1, & update game versi  1.02 + 1.03.
Sedangkan berikut adalah post ulasan Game Of Thrones Episode 1 =
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