Salah satu CFW PS3 favorit Kami akhirnya dirilis juga update nya. Ya, ini adalah CFW DARKNET versi terbaru 4.70 buatan Darkjiro. Ada 3 build CFW Darknet 4.70 versi 1.00, yaitu standard non Cobra, edisi Cobra 7.02, & edisi Cobra 7.03. Berikut fitur-fitur CFW baru ini =
- Properly built from OFW 4.70
- Install Package Files and App_Home
- Patched LV0 to disable ECDSA check of CoreOS
- Patched LV2 to add PEEK/POKE
- Patched LV1 to disable LV2 Protection
- Patched LV1 to add PEEK/ POKE
- Games signed with keys up to 4.70 Supported
- Can be updated over ANY CFW.
- Can be updated over 3.55 OFW
- RSOD bypass
- ReactPSN Offline patch added
- PSP Remaster / Minis supported added
- QA FLAG Enabled by Default if it was previously applied
- Enhanced Remote play with PC
- In Screen game shot patch
- 100% Cinavia Protection Fully Disabled