-All generic boots are replaced by specific boots.
-Automatic Adboards.
-Automatic Arena Kits.
-Automatic Balls (Inluding winter and snow balls).
-Automatic Benchplayers.
-Automatic Boots.
-Automatic Classic GK Kits.
-Automatic Faces (Includes bump file).
-Automatic GK Gloves.
-Automatic GoalNets.
-Automatic Kit Name Fonts.
-Automatic Kit Numbers Sets.
-Automatic Managers.
-Automatic Mow Patturns.
-Automatic Pitch Colour.
-Automatic Pitch Lines.
-Automatic Scarfs.
-Automatic Skin Tones (Tattoos).
-Automatic Specific GK Kit.
-Automatic Team GK Pants.
-Automatic Tournament Kits.
-Automatic Training Kits.
-Automatic Wear Patturns.
-Change collar and name colour on kits.
-Enable Winter balls.
-Use graphics assigned to tournaments in friendly matches and all matches.
-All generic boots are replaced by specific boots.
-Automatic Adboards.
-Automatic Arena Kits.
-Automatic Balls (Inluding winter and snow balls).
-Automatic Benchplayers.
-Automatic Boots.
-Automatic Classic GK Kits.
-Automatic Faces (Includes bump file).
-Automatic GK Gloves.
-Automatic GoalNets.
-Automatic Kit Name Fonts.
-Automatic Kit Numbers Sets.
-Automatic Managers.
-Automatic Mow Patturns.
-Automatic Pitch Colour.
-Automatic Pitch Lines.
-Automatic Scarfs.
-Automatic Skin Tones (Tattoos).
-Automatic Specific GK Kit.
-Automatic Team GK Pants.
-Automatic Tournament Kits.
-Automatic Training Kits.
-Automatic Wear Patturns.
-Change collar and name colour on kits.
-Enable Winter balls.
-Use graphics assigned to tournaments in friendly matches and all matches.