And not only have the racks at swank Rockford Hills clothiers been updated with new designer outfits, necklaces, earrings and watches - the rack at your local Ammu-Nation's got a new Personal Defense Weapon, the Combat PDW.
The newest generation of Los Santos residents can also adorn select weaponry and attachments with Luxury Engravings, while luxury aircraft will afford new generation residents the opportunity to drink champagne and smoke cigars while flying high in the Los Santos skies.
Also part of today’s automatic update, we’ve added the First Person Vehicle Hood Cam that's already on PC to the Xbox One and PS4 versions of the game, along with a host of other new features and updates including redesigned, easier-to-use vehicle websites; a new ‘Friends In Session’ option within the On Call phone menu to auto-invite all your friends to a job you are on call for, and a lot more.
Untuk mendapatkan update ini, cukup mainkan GTA V dari mesin Anda yang sudah terhubung ke internet & ikuti update prompts pada layar.
Bila Anda pemilik PS3 CFW atau ODE bisa mengunduh secara manual semua link update GTA V secara berurutan yang ada pada link berikut =
Bila Anda pemilik Xbox 360 JTAG/ RGH bisa cukup download update versi terbarunya saja pada link berikut =
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